OnBuy Integration
Sell more online with Brightpearl and OnBuy together.
Our integration with OnBuy, the world’s fastest growing marketplace, helps you sell more online by syncing orders, inventory, products and shipment information for a fully automated operation. Maintain complete control of the sync of different data types between OnBuy and Brightpearl, and never miss a thing will full visibility between platforms.
Our integration with OnBuy is supported by our third party integration partner, APIWorx. Click here for more information and to get set up today!
How it works

Sync product catalogs from Brightpearl to OnBuy

Sync product pricing between OnBuy and Brightpearl

Inventory will update from Brightpearl to OnBuy

Push Orders from OnBuy to Brightpearl

Tracking information
Push Fulfillment and Tracking Info back to OnBuy from Brightpearl
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