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Implementation Crisis: Are Most Major Tech Adoption Projects Doomed to Fail?

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Implementation projects are in crisis. In our new report, we unveil the latest shocking research on the major problems – and outright failure – that retailers who choose traditional ERPs and standalone solutions, such as an OMS, experience, when attempting to implement the technology. 

That doesn’t need to be your fate! The insights from our Guide will help you avoid the common pitfalls, so your next major technology adoption project can be delivered successfully – on time, and on budget. 

Download our guide now to learn…

  • Why implementing an ERP is such a risky business, with up to 75% of ERP implementations failing, often after costing up to a third more than predicted and a delay of up to 200 days
  • How ‘cheap’ OMS solutions aren’t always cheerful, with up to half of brands experiencing major problems or complete failure when implementing an OMS in the last 12 months.
  • A full breakdown of the top reasons that cause implementation failure and major challenges
  • Expert analysis of the data, plus advice from leading brands like online cosmetic giant Snow, who offer insight and learnings from their own experiences adopting major technology systems

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