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Are you ready for the returns tsunami?
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Whether it’s due to mispacks, damaged goods, inevitable peak season returns or services like Try Before You Buy, there is a tsunami of returns coming and businesses like yours need to be ready for it.
However, our research has found that more than half of all retailers (51%) claim their margins are being squeezed by returns, yet 69% are not deploying any technology solutions to help process them.
Our latest guide seeks to combat this and assess whether your business is capable of managing an increase in returns, whilst also providing best practice to help you get your returns process under control.
What’s in the guide?
By reading this guide, you’ll be able to:
- Better understand the reasons behind why returns are increasing
- Assess your business’s capability to manage returns
- Implement best practices for your returns process
Are you ready for the returns tsunami?
Take the self-assessment now to find out. You’ll also gain best practice advice for your returns strategy should you find that your business is in dire need of some flood-proofing.